Car Club Alley will once again be an attraction for the MDA Car Show at the Berglund Center this year. We are pleased to be able to bring the car show back to its grassroots with local displays, as well as clubs within a two hour drive. The Car Club Alley will have approximately twenty-one (21) spaces and details are listed below.
One space per club
- Large clubs will have a space every year
- Small clubs will have a space every now and then
- If more than 21 clubs are interested in a given year then we will begin rotation
- Club selection determined by MDA Car Show Committee
1 space, 1 table and 4 chairs per club
- Your space is included with the entry fee.
- Your only cost will be show admission ticket
- Everyone that enters show buys a ticket (daily and weekend passes available)
- We will provide table and chairs
- Your 4 chairs must remain on back side of table in designated space
- No additional chairs permitted (we will provide additional seating areas)
- Spaces will be filled randomly during Friday morning setup
- No nearby spaces available for other member or friend’s car, etc.
You choose the vehicle for your space
- You choose vehicle, not us
- Does this person have covered transportation in case of bad weather
- Do you have a backup vehicle chosen
- If you have more than one member interested, use them next year
- Try to rotate vehicles (not the same vehicle every year)
Person you choose will fill out a special tagged application and will pay the $40 entry fee Friday at registration. They will get 2 weekend passes, plaque, goody bag, etc.
You can use your table and space as you choose
- Club banner
- Pictures
- DVDs
- Sign up new members
- Show information and applications
- Carpet on floor
- Computer connections from RVCC for $30 per day
- Just loafing around
You can use your vehicle space as you choose
- Have a real nice display, don’t let other clubs out do you
- Select a really knock out ride for your car space
- Space will be standard 8ft X 19ft
Members can still enter show even if your club has a space in Car Club Alley. They submit an application just as in past. If chosen, they are in show but their space will not be near Car Club Alley. Car Club Alley spaces will be set apart from other show spaces
Please contact us soon space is limited.
With your support and help this could evolve into a really great additional to the MDA Car Show and give clubs like yours a great opportunity for exposure, membership additions and a way to have a lot of fun. We look forward to working with you. I will be available to attend one of your meetings, talk by phone, email, whatever it takes to make this venture a success. Let’s make this Car Club Alley look good enough to floor anyone turning the corner for the first time and seeing it. Don’t forget, you choose the vehicle for your space, not us.
Contact Patty Feazell at 540-314-2759 or